Pastor Mike Turner Announces Retirement
Dear LBC Family,
Today, Pam and I are notifying you of our retirement plans as we step aside from being your pastor.
We reached our decision through much prayer and conversation over the last couple of years, and a few weeks ago I began a formal discussion with key church leaders to work out the details. The plan we’ve settled on is for me to serve the remainder of this year so that I can be present for the re-opening of the renovated Worship Center, hopefully around Christmas. That would be my last official act as your pastor.
The Bible says that there is a season for everything. It’s time now for a new season for us even as it’s time for a new season for you as a church family. Seventeen years ago, the Lord in his grace led us together; now, his assignment for us at LBC is completed. And it is time for us and for you to move in the new directions he has chosen for us.
What a blessed time it’s been to serve you these past years! We’ve been through so much together and seen the Lord’s hand at work in so many ways! I’ve poured my heart into this ministry—in football language, I’ve left it all on the field. And I’ve never been disappointed. The Lord and you have never failed. Even through the challenging times (and there have been a few of those!), you’ve always been kind, generous and faithful.
LBC is a great church with a great history! And now, I believe you’re positioned to step into a fresh and even greater expression of ministry. Here’s why:
- You have a settled understanding of your identity. You are a church family that embraces the best of your Southern Baptist heritage while at the same time shaping a creative and multi-generational ministry that includes people from many different backgrounds and experiences. You have a clear road to a bright future.
- You have a firm grasp on your mission. The Lord has called you to the gospel ministry of making disciples of Jesus in Lexington and around the world, and through your passion for planting churches locally, nationally and internationally, you’re being faithful to that vision.
- You have a great staff. The staff that the Lord has brought together here is gifted, authentic, passionate and dedicated to the gospel. They will continue to lead and serve you into this new season.
- You have taken wise steps to prepare for your future. Through solid Bible teaching and attention to discipleship, you have lay leaders—many of them are younger leaders!—ready to take you to the next level of church growth. Through a stable and effective organization, you have a structure that will provide all you need for future ministry. Through wise financial planning, you have paid off all your debt and renovated your Worship Center for the new season of ministry the Lord has in mind for you.
So what’s next?
For Pam and me, our plans are to move to Texas to be near our daughter and her family. We want to be close enough to our grandchildren to see them grow up. I also want to spend more of my time writing, something that I’ve always longed to do. I don’t believe for one minute that ministry for us is over. But I do believe that it will take on new forms and directions. I expect this next season of life for us to be one of adventure, exploration and discovery. According to Joshua 14, Moses’ general Caleb was unwilling to retire at 85 years old. Instead, he was still looking for mountains to conquer and giants to battle. I’m not ashamed to say that he’s my hero and that I want to be him when I grow up.
For you, the church bylaws give clear direction for your next steps.
- First, you’ll want to devote time to prayer and seeking the Lord’s will for your next pastor. Lexington Baptist Church has always been a church that prays, and the Lord has never failed to show up in response to your prayers.
- Second, the Ministry Council is charged to secure an interim pastor. They will accomplish that task in the next couple of months.
- Third, the deacons are responsible to lead the church in selecting a Pastor Search Team. They will begin the process in due time.
We love you and will always cherish the years we spent with you!
Mike and Pam