Midweek Current Series
Midweek will resume on January 8, 2025. We are excited to offer three new studies outlined below:

The story of creation as told in Genesis 1-7 reveals the heartbreak of sin and the enduring promises of God in the story of humanity. Join us as we explore our beginning and God’s unwavering love
This study, taught by Pastor Mark Owens, will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings in the LBC Fellowship Hall from 6:30-7:30pm. It will run from January 8 through February 5.

Can God redeem missed divine appointments, fear, and disobedience?
This study will explore why our story of faith matters and overcoming common obstacles in sharing it.
Jesus’ final command was to share the Gospel with all (Matthew 28). In this study, we'll learn from Paul’s example in Acts 26 and examine his life before, during, and after his conversion. The gospel is the power of God to save. Everyone has the right to hear.
This study, facilitated by Jenni Abrams, will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings in the LBC Reception Hall from 6:30-7:30pm. There is no cost for this class; simply bring your Bible. It will run from January 8 through February 5.

Parables take everyday, relatable truths and use them to illustrate profound spiritual principles. Jesus masterfully used these simple yet powerful stories to teach deep truths about how we should live in a chaotic and sinful world. Over the next five weeks, we’ll explore all 38 parables found in the synoptic Gospels, uncovering their timeless lessons for our lives today.
This study, taught by Pastor Dan Williams, will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings in the LBC Chapel from 6:30-7:30pm. It will run from January 8 through February 5.