Adult Bible Studies
Join women of all ages for a Tuesday morning Bible study January 7.
We meet each Tuesday on campus at LBC in "The City" (2nd floor of our Family Life Center) at 10am.
Revelation is not intended to leave us fearful or confused, but its symbolic language and concepts can be difficult to understand. Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, and Revelation should be seen as accessible as any other book in the Bible.
We will explore Revelation verse-by-verse to uncover how this final book of the Bible offers clear, practical insights and provides a message of hope and perseverance for the church in every generation.
This study, facilitated by Judi Valentine, will meet weekly on Tuesday mornings on campus at LBC in "The City" (2nd floor of our Family Life Center) at 10am. Women of all ages are invited to join us as we begin on January 7. Study books are available for $15 and will be available the first day of class.
Free child care is available by registration only at

The Israelites who left Egypt had never known freedom. Except for Moses, who was raised in Pharaoh’s household, all had been born into slavery where others made their decisions. Once freed, they had to learn to live freely—how to be independent, orderly, and productive, without an overseer.
The story of the Israelites in Exodus teaches us that God frees us from the bondage of sin when we put our faith in Christ. As Jesus said in John 8:34 and 36, "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin... So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
“Learning to be Free” will guide us through the Israelites' experiences and offer valuable lessons on living free in Christ.
This study meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month on campus at LBC in Chapel Building Room 201 from 11am to 12pm. This study, facilitated by JoAnn Rhodes, welcomes women of all ages are and will begin on January 23. There is no cost for this class; simply bring your Bible.

Many Precept Bible studies will be offered this year on a variety of days and for all ages.
- Our method and materials are based on the Precept Bible Study Method, that helps students observe, interpret, and apply Scripture to their lives.
- Individual prayer lays a foundation for humble learning as you invite the Holy Spirit to teach you.
- Precept groups are led by trained discussion leaders who will help you reason through the Scriptures as you share ideas within your group.
Please view our full schedule below.