LexKids Summer Kickoff
We're celebrating the start of summer in LexKids on June 1!
Baptism at the River
Our church will gather on June 1 at Saluda Shoals Park for a church wide picnic, fellowship, and baptisms.
Camp Lavida Mother Daughter Camp
Moms and daughters are invited to a one-night camp at Camp Lavida on June 6 & 7!
Preschool Popsicles in the Park
Preschoolers, join us on June 13 at 9am at Virginia Hylton Park for a fun meet-up! We'll bring the popsicles!
Mega Camp
The best week of the summer is here! Kids are invited to join us for Mega Camp from June 23-26!
LexKids Summer Camp
Our LexKids are heading to Centrikid Camp at Gardner Webb University this summer!
LexKids Water Game Night
Families with children of all ages are invited to join us in the FLC back parking lot on July 20 for a Water Game Night from 5-7pm. Bring a towel, a lawn chair, and some friends! This event, including dinner, is free!
5th Grade Pool Party
We're celebrating our completed 5th graders with a pool party on July 31.
Promotion Sunday
All kids and students will be promoted to their new classes on August 3!