Annual Update Form


A parent may withhold permission to have a child(ren) photographed, videotaped, and/or audiotaped during church activities and events. As the parent or guardian of the child(ren) identified above, I understand that if I opt-out, my child(ren) will not be included in pictures taken by church staff, leaders, or professional photographers and media, nor will my child’s picture be a part of any social media posts or promotion materialsincluding, but not limited to, the church’s website.This does not include videotaping by security camera.If you do not want your child(ren) to be photographed, videotaped and/or audiotaped, check the box below


In the unlikely event of an emergency and I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the Lexington Baptist Church Age-Graded Staff to secure and administer treatment, including transportation and hospitalization for my child(ren).

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Our mission is to partner with parents. With that, our hope is that every parent will choose to serve with us in some capacity. Not only does this help us meet a huge need, but it also allows parents an inside look into the ministry and helps to reinforce what we're learning at home.